Brother Freddie Thompson IV
12th Thirteenth District Representative

Greetings, Brothers of the Tenacious 13th International District, Quettes, and Friends,

I bring you greetings from our Supreme Basileus and the District that makes Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated international. With great excitement, I invite you all to our 32nd Annual District Meeting, scheduled for 3-7 April 2025. Our host chapter, Nu Nu Nu, is working diligently to welcome us to the Dominican Republic, where a full agenda of impactful events and activities awaits.

This year’s meeting promises to be productive and inspiring as we focus on the 13th International District and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated business. Beyond the work, we will have numerous opportunities to reconnect with Brothers, strengthen bonds of fellowship, and build new relationships. From formal sessions and training to social events, every aspect of the meeting has been designed to reinforce our commitment to Brotherhood and Service.

In addition, we will engage with community leaders and partner organizations to further enhance our presence and influence. We also anticipate welcoming members of the Supreme Council, International Headquarters staff, visiting Brothers from other districts, and other distinguished guests who will join us in celebrating the spirit of Omega internationally.

I sincerely thank Brother Marvin Chisolm, the 2025 District Marshal, and the 13th District Planning Committee for their tireless efforts in ensuring the success of our 32nd Annual District Meeting. Their dedication exemplifies the true meaning of Service and Brotherhood.

As we gather in this stunning location, let's appreciate the vibrant culture, breathtaking scenery, and warm hospitality that Puerto Plata offers. We encourage you to make the most of your time here, professionally and personally.

We look forward to seeing you all in Puerta Plata, Dominican Republic.


Brother Freddie Thompson IV
12th Thirteenth District Representative

Brother Marvin Chisolm
32nd Annual Thirteenth District Meeting District Marshal

On behalf of Brother Freddie Thompson IV, the 12th Thirteenth District Representative and the Brothers of the Nu Nu Nu (TriNu) Chapter, I welcome you to the registration page for the 32nd Annual International Thirteenth District Meeting. This first in many years standalone district meeting is scheduled from 3 – 7 April 2025 and will take place in the city of Puerto Plata on the beautiful north coast of the Dominican Republic. We extend a warm welcome to all registrants and their guests, know that it will be our pleasure to serve as your hosts, for a weekend of Omega business in a relaxed and inviting environment.

The 32nd Annual International Thirteenth District Meeting will be hosted by the management and staff of the Blue Jack Tar Hotel, located in the beach side Playa Dorada Complex. As a team, the brothers of TriNu along with the key members of the 13th District Council continue to work diligently to organize a business focused meeting that will also allow ample opportunities to relax, unwind and build upon new fraternal connections.

Although the primary purpose of the meeting is to conduct the business of Omega, District Representative Thompson, has placed a priority on affording time in the schedule for all attendees and their guests to enjoy the island of Hispaniola and all that it has to offer. We will conduct Omega’s business but have also planned opportunities to participate in social action events, a golf scramble, along with the opportunity to take advantage of an afternoon of Caribbean excursions at the conclusion of business. In addition, with an eye towards reclamation and retention there will be multiple opportunities for fraternal fellowship.

Meeting registration for financial members of the thirteenth district will feature three primary tiers: early bird, regular and late, along with two tiers for Quette registration with fees for both based on calendar dates. 

As a special treat, brothers that plan to be on island to support the 13th District during this historic international district meeting and want to participate in the social action events, the golf scramble and fraternal fellowship, should register for the “International Que Experience”  which is  available in two primary tiers.  I encourage you to take advantage of the reduced rates by registering as early as possible.

Registration for all category of attendees begins on January 1, 2025, and can be found on the 13th District Website at the events drop down menu:  Upon successful 32nd Annual International Thirteenth District Meeting Website registration, you will receive a host hotel room reservation email from the housing team. For questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at 


Brother Marvin Chisolm
2025 Thirteenth District Marshal 

Brother Ron "AC" Brandon
Basileus Nu Nu Nu Chapter

Brothers, Get Ready for the Ultimate Experience!
On behalf of the Nu Nu Nu (TriNu) Chapter, affectionately known as “The Hispaniola Ques”, we invite you to attend the 32nd Annual International District Meeting from April 3 to 7, 2025!

Join us on the breathtaking North Coast of the Dominican Republic, where turquoise waters meet stunning landscapes. Our host resort, the Blue JackTar Hotel & Golf, will be the epicenter of brotherhood, networking, and unforgettable adventures!

Attendance will afford you the time to immerse yourself in:

  • Professional meetings to connect and grow
  • Delicious local cuisine that will delight your taste buds
  • Idyllic weather to recharge and refresh
  • Golfing, ATV adventures, fishing, and sightseeing to fuel your sense of adventure; and
  • Breathtaking beaches to relax and unwind

The vibrant TriNu chapter, with 70+ members, is eager to share the warmth and energy of the North Coast with you. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to connect with brothers, create lifelong memories, and experience the beauty of the Dominican Republic!

Fraternally with warm regards,

Brother Ron “AC” Brandon
Basileus Nu Nu Nu Chapter
Dominican Republic and Haiti


Early Bird Registration - 1/04/2025- 1/24/2025

Graduate: $360.00
Undergraduate: $185.00

Regular Registration – 1/25/2025- 3/02/2025
Graduate: $399.00
Undergraduate: $185.00

Late Regular Registration  – 3/03/2025 - 3/24/2025
Graduate: $425.00
Undergraduate: $185.00

Visiting Brothers Graduate
Early Bird: $360.00 - 1/04/2025-1/24/2025
Regular Registration: $399.00 - 1/25/2025- 3/02/2025
Late Registration: $425.00 - 3/03/2025 - 3/24/2025

** Annual District Meeting Registrants are expected to participate in formal meetings and training **

Registration Pays For:

  1. Thursday Evening - Hospitality @ Jack Kite Bar & Grill (Blue Jack Tar)
  2. Fri/Sat Meeting Space with coffee/tea/water etc.
  3. Fri/Sat - Morning Fitness with Sekou
  4. Friday - Lunch @ Convention Center (Blue Jack Tar)
  5. Friday Evening - DR Reception @ Lotus Restaurant (Blue Jack Tar)
  6. Saturday - District Awards Luncheon @Convention Center (Blue Jack Tar)
  7. Saturday - Transportation to Social Action Event
  8. Sunday - Prayer Breakfast @ Blue Jack Tar
  9. Souvenir Gift
Optional Ala carte Event
  1.  Sunday - Golf Scramble at Playa Dorado Golf Club ($150 Includes Lunch)

International Que Experience 

Regular Registration: $295.00 - 1/04/2025- 3/02/2025
Late Registration: $350.00 - 3/03/2025- 3/24/2025

** International Que Experience Registrants are not expected to participate in formal meetings and training, however, they are programmed to participate in the social action events, the golf scramble and fellowship events **

Registration Pays For: 
  1. Thursday Evening - Hospitality @ Jack Kite Bar & Grill (Blue JackTar)
  2. Fri/Sat - Morning Fitness with Sekou
  3. Friday Evening - DR Reception @ Lotus Restaurant (Blue Jack Tar)
  4. Saturday - Transportation to Social Action Event
  5. Sunday - Prayer Breakfast @ Blue Jack Tar
  6. Sunday - Golf Scramble at Playa Dorado Golf Club
  7. Souvenir Gift
Optional International Que Experience AIa carte Events
  1. Friday - Optional extra day of Golf at Playa Dorado Golf Club (A La Carte payment of $130 with lunch on your own)
  2. Saturday - District Awards Luncheon @Convention Center (Blue Jack Tar) (A La Carte payment of $50)

Dress Code

  1. Thursday - Omega Casual (Shorts/Jeans, Fraternity Shirt)
  2. Friday - Omega Casual (Slacks, Collared Shirt – District Picture Day)
  3. Saturday – Omega Casual (Black Slacks, Purple Guayabera shirt, black shoes
    *** (Guayabera shirts can be purchased through district website, available for pick-up on arrival during ADM Check-in)
  4. Sunday - Omega Casual (Shorts/Jeans, Collared Shirt)


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