International Que Experience Registration

Blue JackTar Hotel
Playa Dorada
Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic 57000


International Que Experience Registration

Date and Time

Thu, Apr 3, 2025 8:00 AM - Mon, Apr 7, 2025 5:00 PM

** International Que Experience Registrants are not expected to participate in formal meetings and training, however, they are programmed to participate in the social action events, the golf scramble and fellowship events **

Registration Pays For: 

  1. Thursday Evening - Hospitality @ Jack Kite Bar & Grill (Blue JackTar)
  2. Fri/Sat - Morning Fitness with Sekou
  3. Friday Evening - DR Reception @ Lotus Restaurant (Blue Jack Tar)
  4. Saturday - Transportation to Social Action Event
  5. Sunday - Prayer Breakfast @ Blue Jack Tar
  6. Sunday - Golf Scramble at Playa Dorado Golf Club
  7. Souvenir Gift

Optional International Que Experience AIa carte Events

  1. Friday - Optional extra day of Golf at Playa Dorado Golf Club (A La Carte payment of $130 with lunch on your own)
  2. Saturday - District Awards Luncheon @Convention Center (Blue Jack Tar) (A La Carte payment of $50)

Dress Code

  1. Thursday - Omega Casual (Shorts/Jeans, Fraternity Shirt)
  2. Friday - Omega Casual (Slacks, Collared Shirt – District Picture Day)
  3. Saturday – Omega Casual (Black Slacks, Purple Guayabera shirt, black shoes
    *** (Guayabera shirts can be purchased through the district website, available for pick-up on arrival during ADM Check-in)
  4. Sunday - Omega Casual (Shorts/Jeans, Collared Shirt)


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